Morning Prayer

Dear God,
Thank you for this day.
Please let me use it wisely.

If I face adversity in this day,
Please give me the courage to address it openly and honestly,
And the strength to deal with it in a manner that is pleasing to You.

If I face good fortune in this day,
Please grant me the wisdom to accept such fortune sensibly,
And to know that it is ultimately through Your will that such things occur.

Please grant me the humility today to speak little of myself.
Please grant me the generosity of spirit to share my wealth with those in need.
Please grant me the compassion to demonstrate that I truly care about others,
Whomever they may be, and however different from me they may be.

Let me be friendly to strangers,
Helpful to those who are older,
Patient with children,
Kind to animals.

Through my thoughts, my words, and my actions,
Let me make of this day a day that will be pleasing to You.







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