
Earth-Based Beliefs


Links to various pages on our website with content related to earth-based spiritual beliefs:


Aradia, Gospel of the Witches


Astrological Signs and Correspondences


Barbarism and the Moral Code, by Charles Eastman




The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, by W. Y. Evans Wentz


Gypsy Origin of Witchcraft


Hopi Snake Dance




Pagan and Christian Creeds, by Edward Carpenter


Primitive Customs of Halloween, by J. M. McPherson


Religion of the Celts, by J. A. MacCulloch


Science of the Soul and Stars: Private Studies in Occultism, by Thomas H. Burgoyne


What Are Wizards Really Like?


Witch Cult in Western Europe, by Margaret Alice Murray Witches


Witchcraft Trial of 1851

